Who is the page for?
Do you want to be a tattoo artist, but you don’t know where and who you can learn from? Even from home?
This website was created to collect, line up, introduce and present all the materials, tools, techniques and processes needed for making tattoos, the knowledge and use of which is essential and absolutely necessary for a good tattoo artist.
The online tattoo course starts from the beginning, yet it’s not just for beginners. It can also help a lot for those who are already into tattoo making and intend to reach a higher level by improving their technique.
The online tattoo course includes about 200 pages of text, nearly 1000 illustrations, 12 videos, a total of approximately 180 hours of real-time films, and 70 pages of drawing practice. Throughthese, participants are introduced to the tattooing process from the basics to the advanced level. Although it doesn’t include drawing training, the structure, composition and order of the contents of the website not only provide usable technical knowledge, but also form the student's aesthetic sense and compositional skills. By performing the simple drawing tasks on a daily basis, the participant develops the dexterity essential to the work of a tattoo artist, and if performing it with due diligence, it can be developed to a skill level.
The chapters of the theoretical material of the course are built on each other, and to understand them, it is necessary to proceed with them in order. The course presents, in a simple and understandable way, the basic truths, fundamentals and basic tricks of tattooing that are simple and can be learned by everyone - just as writing. The videos of the practical part and the accompanying explanations are also related to each other, however, they can be understood independently by advanced tattoo artists, so we have made them available to them one by one.
There is one more thing that is important for you to understand. Gaining theoretical and technical knowledge is just one step in becoming a tattoo artist. Here, as in any other forms of art, the practice, using and deepening theoretical knowledge in practice, making hand movements confident, routine-like and developing them to skill level make the artist a master of his/her art. And this task has to be done by YOU. The 70-page collection of Tasks provides guidance for this, and making and repeating them on a daily basis will help in the process.
We hope the online tattoo course provides you with enough information, knowledge, motivation and inspiration on this path.
Have a nice trip!
Tattooing A to Z Team